Coop: A Year of Poultry, Pigs and Parenting by Michael Perry
/I just finished this book. And I enjoyed it. I actually have liked his other books a bit more as I have no real interest in raising chickens or pigs. But it was a window into what my life could have been if I had married some nice farm boy right out of high school. (I grew up in a rural farming area, my town then had 1,106 people, now it has about 1,500 people. I would have made some nice farm boy miserable.)
I do enjoy Michael Perry. I love his words and how he writes. This is his 4th book, it is fun to follow his life. He lived in New Auburn when I lived in Eau Claire so I got to see him read his work at Borders in Eau Claire and I have heard him read his work on NPR numerous times. He is cute in that aw shucks farm boy kind of way.
(Barb and Tessa I think you would both enjoy him as an author, especially this last book. But you may enjoy him more if you start with his first one.)