My little friend Dao...
/Some years ago we lived in Rochester, MN for 3 years. We went there for John to build a TV station. I could not find work. With too much time on my hands I decided to be a mentor. And I got Dao who was 15. The night I met her I went to her house and met her mother and family and spoke through a translator hoping her mother understood that I would take this seriously and would be a good influence on her daughter. I remember leaving her house and looking up at the crisp, starry sky and knew without a doubt that I was in the exact right place at the right time doing the right thing. I don't think you get many of those life moments.
Knowing her changed my life and made it so much bigger. We went back to Rochester for Thanksgiving and I had dinner with my Dao. She is now 27, works full time at the Mayo Clinic and goes to school full time to finish her business degree. I could not be more proud of her. And it pleases me to no end to know that once when she was young I was a large part of her life hopefully nugdging her to where she is now.
(Photo taken with my iPhone and blurred using the TiltShift app.)