/I got a new camera for Christmas. A much needed camera I might add. I have my iPhone camera and a little teeny Sony that is my purse camera but I needed something more. That meant no longer choosing a camera with cuteness in mind.
After noticing a camera my friends Paul and Ann had I settled on Z1012 (10 MP w/ 12X).
It is intended as a point & shoot camera. But it allows overrides for shutter speed, aperture, etc. Kodak positions the camera in the market segment that is the high optical zoom with image stabilization, P&S, fairly feature rich, but at a lower price.
It offers 16 different options that I hope will make me a better photographer. Portrait, Children, Landscape, Candlelight, Snow, Beach, Night Portrait, Night Landscape, Text, Fireworks, Flower, Museum, Self Portrait, Stage, Backlight, Sunset. I did get some nice shots inside the Capitol using the Candlelight setting.
Next week the weather should be in the balmy 30s so I am hoping to get out and take a walk with my camera.
My thoughts on this blog are to maybe become a picture blog or at least have more photos and better ones. That will force me to become a better photographer. I have a good eye but lack technical experience.
Here is a blog that intrigues me 3191. Two women who live 3,191 miles apart each take a photo each day and post it. They first did a year of day photos, that has been made into a book. They are just finishing up a year of night photos. On Februry 13 they will have a new focus of some kind. Unfortunately I have just found them very recently so I have not followed along for very long. I really do like the whiteness and simplicity of their blog.