slightly different blogging...

You may (or may not have) noticed my new cleaner look. And my use of my webfonts - Cordially Yourz and Drop Cap One. Following my newer look it seems like my content should be different too. Last week I had coffee with my Gang of 4 graphic artist group and we talked about how designers often created design driven product rather than thinking more about their message. So the month of August will be a test for me to try and do that. I've always been unsure what my message is... maybe it will be me just chatting with you about random things.

Of course what would a blog for a artist be without visuals so I am also going to do...

Susanna Conway is suggesting that people sort of take a break from regular blogging for the month of August and post a photo each day. So while I think about my message I will try to put up a photo daily with the above badge.

Enjoy Summer... it feels like it is slipping away fast... and have a margarita at Laredos. That is Summertime fun.