Soooo Sweet...

In our neighborhood we have 4 cute little kids ages 2 to maybe 6. They ride madly around the the cul-de-sac on their tiny bikes. When we are out they ride on over to visit. We were getting ready for the Sneak Preview Sale Wednesday night. I was setting up in the garage and John was outside making a fire in the fire pit. The kids dropped by. The little girl asked John where the beauuuuuuuuutiful blond with the beauuuuuuutiful red lips was. He pointed to me and I blew them beauuuuuuuuutiful red lipped kisses.

So sweet.

And one of the neighbors brought me a lovely bottle of red wine. Wow, a guy who come to a garage sale, takes stuff away and brings a nice bottle of red. Can't beat that.

And not sure if the photo show it but LOTS of stuff has gone. Of course tomorrow at noon we start hauling the rest away. But it has been so much better than I expected... not to mention profitable.