some would say I have too many. Or that I can't have anymore. I disagree because I am always upgrading and getting rid of. (2 chairs, a foot stool and a desk chair await a Spring trip to St. Vinnie's after a posting on Craigslist.) Our main living space is not large and small mid-century chairs fit the space. They are not visually heavy and have dainty legs which help visually in a smaller space.
The above Bertoia Diamond Chair is a particular favorite. Bertoia said about the chairs: "They are mainly made of air, like sculpture. Space passes right through them."
To make these even better they were originally owned by my dear friend Nita. I was once meeting her and another friend in another town for lunch.
Phone call from Nita: Rae I am going to bring you 3 chairs and you will pay me $ ___ for them.
Rae: Oh thanks Nita but I don't need any chairs.
Nita: You need these.
And she was right. I have 2 of these Diamond chairs and one side chair. I wish I had the upholstered cushions too. I think these came with orange leather ones many years ago.

I recently scored these Thonet chairs at the UWSwap here in Madison. I went to buy one to go with my Dad's 1950's desk but there were five and they were all taped together. A kind man was willing to put them in the car for me. (The are oddly heavy.) So I have five, but they are stackable and that works well when we need extra seating. I thought these were 50s chairs because the legs look like the Bertoia. But it has been suggested that they are probably 60s because they are painted red. If anyone knows anything about these I would love it if you would leave a comment.

This is the Eames Molded Plastic Chair from Herman Miller. I almost bought these in lime but instead got blue. Now I sort of wish I had bought either black or white. These are our four dining chairs around a white circular table. Each chair while new is a replica of the original design. Each also comes with a numbered certificate of authenticity. I got these here in Madison at Atomic Interiors. If you haven't been there drop by for some interesting browsing.

This is my most recent find. I assume this is a knock-off of some kind. The base is metal. Chair part looks like it is fiberglass and the black cushion is attached. I am using it as a desk chair at the moment. I am guessing this is a 50s or 60s chair too. I like it and it goes well with my Techline desk.
If you are counting that does make 12 chairs in a small, but open space. Surprisingly we do not look like a chair showroom.
But good design is good design whether it is old or new. All these chairs feel like pieces of art to me.