Paris, who doesn't adore Paris? We were there several years ago and I was smitten with the iron work balconies, iron work on the doors, decorations on the tiles, OK almost everything visual. When I came home I made 2 decorative fonts based on what I saw. This month Fleurons of Paris is the FREE font. Link to download is to the right.
This month's new font is the often requested Lake Vacation Doodles. Later in the year I will do a more resort/island version of the same thing. This was quite fun to do and hopefully fun for all of you to use to make all your Summertime party invitations.

What is on the drawing board... I have been scribbling on what I hope is the beginning of a modern calligraphy font. Nancy has been sending me quite charming drawings of women.
I'm using some new technology this week so I hope all goes well. If you have gotten here via the Free Font of the Month email then my new attempt using MailChimp worked. I also hope my new download page works. As I am writing this it seems a little buggy. I may have tried too many new things in one month.
And if you have just stumbled on today's post by accident and want to get on the email list there is a new sign up box to the right.
Happy Summer!