why i am a type designer... U&lc...
/I started getting this magazine when I was in school learning to be a Commercial Artist. I have the exact same reaction seeing this page as I did getting it in the mail all those years ago. I swoon. This is so well designed. I studied it for layout, color of the page (light and dark), graphics and of course type. I think I initially got this free as a student and then subscribed for years. In the beginning it was a lovely large tabloid size.
Jump ahead to Rochester, Minnesota. I am sitting in the parking lot of a strip mall where I am searching for queen sized mattress pads for 3 new beds that will be arriving to our new house shortly. I am in a town I didn't choose in charge of things I don't want to be in charge of like mattress pads. John is building a TV station from the ground up. I am opening the mail while waiting for the store to open and I find that I have received honorable mention in the U&lc's (I think first and only) typeface design competition. This is 1998. I had been playing around with Fontographer and had made 2 fonts. I had submitted Doodles my second font and won honorable mention and $200. I ran home to do some research. There had been 2 first prizes and 2 honorable mentions in 3 categories with entries from around the world.
I decided to take that as a sign that I should make fonts. And 60 some fonts later that is what I do.
My yellowed back issues are long gone but thanks to Fonts.com they have now been scanned and are available for all of you to enjoy free of charge. Check here.
If that isn't enough U&lc for you I also have the book... link to the right if you are interested.
(Thank you U&lc I wouldn't have done it without you!)