Why I Blog...
/ or someone who has over 500 posts under her belt I am still trying to figure out why I blog. And I know you know that I started when we went to Paris so my Dad and John's Aunt could follow along... when I got home and I was convinced by girlfriends to continue.
This is not my process. And I am all about the process probably in part because I think things to death. And always before I start something. My process is to think about something until I can see it in my head and then do it. So I have felt my blog lacked branding. A big bad thing for me as a designer. I always start with the branding and the demographic.
But I finally figured out that my blog makes me better creatively. It makes me more interesting. 5 times a week I have to think of something to tell you. It has caused me to live in the moment. My blog is creative homework. It helps quiet the clutter in my head. I know my photography skills have improved and it gives me a place to put my photos. For right now I guess that is good enough. That said now I can sleep better at night, in fact maybe I should go take a nap now.
And thanks for all of you who read me. It's nice to know you are out there.
If there are posts you especially like or something you'd like to see more of plz drop me a line.