winter, hopefully the second half


I really, really hope that Winter is half over. By the calendar it should be, but this year who knows. Sunday we had a rare sort of warmish day and decided to take a walk on the lake. Never fear I would think by now the ice on the lake should be at least 2' deep.




From in our condo we can see this little forest out on the lake with little ant-like people walking around it. I've seen it other years but in a different place on the lake. It appears that someone gathers up old Christmas trees and creates a little forest you can walk around and through. I think of it as an art installation.




There is a little desk and you can take a strip of cloth and write a message and attach it to one of the trees. I think these stay until Spring. We always wonder if they just sink into the lake when it thaws. I guess this year we will find out If you want to wander on out I'd suggest accessing the lake from Morrison Park on Morrison St. on the near East side here in Madison. It is maybe half a mile from the shoreline there.