Yummy chairs & Sundance...
These yummy looking chairs are in the bathroom at the Sundance Cinema. Yes this is Robert Redford's Sundance Cinema. There are only 2 Sundance Cinemas, one is San Francisco and one here in Madison. There is nice food to eat and I got a pumpkin chi tea with rum (sounds awful as I type it but it was a cozy warm drink on a cool night) to drink during the movie. It is a lovely experience in that you can choose your seat when you buy your ticket. So you can go to the Sundance Restaurant, have dinner and rush in just before the movie as you already have your ticket and your seat.
I went with my friend Jane and we saw September Issue which was all about the making of the September 2007 issue of Vogue magazine. Jane and I had both worked for the same retailer and I had done photo shoots and headed the Advertising Dept. So we both found this movie really, really interesting. A great behind he scenes documentary. And my guess is that this was the prettiest part of the behind the scenes that they wanted to show.