NEW! Wilderness Doodles!

Inspired by a trip to Alaska, here is Wilderness Doodles. A collection of 30 illustrations of water, trees and mountains. Silhouettes of animals and other outdoorsy Northwoods camping items.

I've had someone ask, but Rae what do I DO with these cute little drawings? Well, I'll show you. This font really has a lot of uses. It does help if you use a program like Illustrator and know how to enlarge the font by choosing a larger point size. But I'll assume you have that working knowledge.

This one is even easier. Make a colored square. Enlarge the bear and color him. Using a digital brush create some white area over the bear’s face and shadow. Send that back, so it is behind the bear. Add and colorize the copy. I used Plz Print Bold Condensed in all caps. Seems to go with the bear and had a bit of a birthday party feel.

OK, one more.

How easy was that? Just color the graphic and add some copy.

It you made it this far you should get a medal. But you also might be interested in buying Wilderness Doodles. You can buy it here and it is 25% off. Have fun creating some wonderful wilderness graphics!

dear rae, love dad siting!

I am never more delighted than when I see one of my fonts used really well. Here are Ellen and Lenny and Dear Rae, Love Dad!

Designed by Nancy Warnecke, who can be found at

Finally! "Dear Rae, Love Dad" is done!

This is my favorite font! And I have made quite a few of them. "Dear Rae, Love Dad" is a modern calligraphy font drawn by hand, using ink, and a folded nib dip pen on rough watercolour paper.

Best used in Open Type apps, it has automatically changing alternates. To use the open type features you will need an open type friendly application like InDesign or Illustrator where you can access the glyphs palette. But I have tried my best to make the font work nicely even if you don't use those apps.

It is upright, dramatic, and personal.

It is named Dear "Rae, Love Dad" because who wouldn't like to get a letter signed, "Love Dad"?

A BIG thank you to Dathan who answered my Glyph software questions.

And to Laurie who added the "Love Dad" to the "Dear Rae".

To buy this this fab new font, it can be found on myfonts at 30% off. 

Sneak Peek at what is next... "Dear Rae, Love Mom"

mighty deals and outside the line...

Screen Shot 2014-08-31 at 9.53.19 AM If you don't know about Mighty Deals you should. Amazing deals for web and graphic designers. You can sign up and get the daily deal emails.



Outside the Line has a big deal on Mighty Deals. Oodles of doodles at a fab price. For less than the price of one font you get 6. Yup, you read that right. Short time and ONLY on the Mighty Deals site. Check it out here.


new! kitchen doodles!


Julia Child said, "I didn't start cooking until I was 32: up until then I just ate".  Whether you cook or eat, design menus or recipe cards or cookbooks this set of 30 fresh Kitchen Doodles makes the job easier. Baking, cooking, mixing, chopping, grating, this little font has it all.

And Kitchen Doodles is 50% off for a limited time!

Bon Appétit!


IMG_2599 march giveaway! And to sweeten the pot a little share this post from my Outside the Line Facebook page to win a 10 pack of  Alphabet postcards and a 10 pack of birthday cards. Total value is $40. Go here to share. You must share from my Outside the Line page, not my blog or personal Facebook page. This giveaway is limited to the USA only.

If you don't win and you want some cards you can visit my etsy store. Link on the right.

what's on the drawing board


Since the closet mess and the party flag mess is all put away it is time to treat myself to junk robot mess. I've been collecting stuff for a year now. With a recent windfall of junk I now have more than enough to make a few junk robot sculptures. My ever ready assistant John has helped take a few things apart. And my poison control expert Phil has advised how to empty and wash out little containers marked POISON. More on this as some little robots start to emerge.


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I am currently engrossed in Cooking Doodles. And there might also be a Cooking Doodles Too. With the amount of detail in my drawings I can only get about 30 illustrations in one font. Since there are so many things to draw I may end up with a 2 font family. This is quite fun and moving along nicely.


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Also started is Nautical Doodles. And...


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Beach Doodles. While I am working on Cooking Doodles I am generally just thinking about these last two. If there is an image you need in any of these categories please leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.

So what is on your drawing board these days?