what does democracy looks like...
Yesterday morning we drove DT and could not find a parking spot. On our way home to catch the bus we saw high schoolers from East marching toward the Capitol. Looked like many high schools were represented. On the bus, which was full of protesters, we heard that a bus was commandeered Wednesday night to get the Republicans out of DT after their Ash Wednesday Ambush vote.
Our house is a very, very fine house. Everyone who wanted to get in got in. I heard that about 100 slept there last night.
John spoke at the people's mic. He encouraged everyone to keep it a peaceful demonstration and got applause.
Jesse Jackson was at the Capitol.
There were good signs there as usual.
After we left the bill was passed. This is truly a sad day for all in this state. I guess we now look towards recalling the Governor and the Republicans. Not an easy process, but possible.
The rally on Saturday with farmers and their tractors is still on. Be there if you can. We have to keep on fighting.